Great tips for first time home buyers

Buying your first home can be an exciting yet overwhelming time in your life. Knowing that the whole house is your responsibility can be a daunting task to take on, but if done right you won’t worry as much. That is why we want to provide you with some helpful tips if you are thinking of buying your first home in the near future.

Downsizing mistakes to avoid

Are you waiting to downsize? Are you struggling with letting your home or possessions go? Moving on can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s important that you take steps to downsize as the time approaches. If you wait until you have to move, it will be harder to let things go.

The emotions of selling a home

Selling your home is an emotional time. After all, it is the place you’ve made many memories and has been your safe haven for years. Not all of the emotions you feel are bad, but just be aware that they are normal. Letting go of a part of yourself and your family is something that is emotional for everyone. It is important that you don’t… Read More

Don’t forget to clean these 5 things

Does cleaning ever end? The answer is no. But, while you are putting stuff on your to-do list we want to help remind you of a few places that tend to get overlooked.

3 things you must do before your first showing

Are you ready to show off… your home? Putting your home up for sale is a great first step, but it’s not the most important step. Preparation is key because if your home doesn’t show well it will be harder to sell and you may not get what you want based on that factor alone. Take some extra time to make sure that the buyer… Read More

Why springtime is a great time to sell your home

The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and you are feeling good. Now, you are ready to finally put that “for sale” sign in your front yard. What better time to get your home ready to put on the market? A little spring cleaning, a call to your real estate agent, and you are good to go. If you are still unsure, we want… Read More

4 staging ideas that will save you time and money

Staging your home to sell is a great thing to do before a showing or an open house. Staging is one of those things that when done right lets a potential buyer picture themselves in your home. When they say first impressions are everything, they really are when it comes to selling your home. When staging your home we want you to know that you… Read More

4 things you must do before house hunting

Are you excited to buy your first home? We know the answer already, yes! Buying your first home is an exciting time, but there are a few things that you must get in order before house hunting. Searching for the perfect house can be a time-consuming process. Working with a real estate agent will help simplify that process, but still, you must prepare before taking… Read More

Mistakes to avoid when buying a home in the winter

You’ve heard that buying a home in the winter is the way to go, right? Well, that’s true in most cases but you also don’t want to make any mistakes. Just like any other time of the year, you are capable of making a mistake when buying a home. Buying in the winter can cost you big time if you don’t take the time to… Read More

Three reasons why you should buy your next home this winter

Are you looking to move? You may be discouraged by the cold temperatures and winter weather, but that should be the least of your worries. Winter is actually a great time to buy a home. Why? Well, we can help you answer that question.