What to do when you are moving with kids

Sooner or later in life, many families have to move. It can be a big adjustment for everyone, especially kids. Often, kids feel left out of the decision to move and don’t really understand why it is happening.

Home Staging Tips from the Pros

You are familiar with the term ‘staging’ from the many shows regarding makeover, makeunder, flipping houses and finding your dream home. You have heard the advice to declutter and depersonalize your home and get rid of any bad odors, but what tips do professional home stagers offer?

Why you need to create a cleaning calendar

It is hard with the busy lives we all lead to find time to keep the house clean. We work, carpool, help with homework and prepare meals. Often it feels like you are the only one in the house who can even see that it’s filthy and because you are the only one who sees it, you feel like you are the only one who… Read More

4 Reasons Why to Buy in the Winter

The weather is cooling, leaves are falling, pumpkins are sprouting. It’s the time of year when a lot of house hunters begin gathering hibernating supplies for a long winter’s nap. But you are not like most house hunters. You are smart, you know that the advantages to finding a home in the winter far outweigh the disadvantages. You know that this is the time of… Read More

Have You Put Aside Enough for Closing Costs?

As a prospective homebuyer, you have scrimped, saved and sacrificed to have a good down payment on your home. After a few rough years you are ready to buy your first home, or if you have already purchased a home you are ready to move into the home that better fits your needs. After making your list and checking it twice you find out there… Read More

Buying a Home with Little or No Down Payment

Are you struggling between renting an apartment and wanting to buy a home but you are not able to afford a down payment? The “Iconic American Dream” has always been to own a house with a white picket fence and three kids. But if you are wanting to own a home and do not have the down payment, the costs can be very stressful. The… Read More

Can I Purchase a Home if I Have a Low Income?

  Are you looking to buy a home but you’re being held back by your income? Luckily, there are several options for you to make your home buying dream come true. There are plenty of home-buying programs for those with a low income, and you just need to know the right places to look. Remember, your monthly mortgage payment will depend on your monthly income… Read More

The Bottom Line is You Need a Home Inspection

If you are a smart consumer, which we are guessing you are. Then you have probably heard of getting a home inspection.  Its like going the extra mile in the research phase before making any major home purchase. So why do home inspections matter and are they worth the cost? Reason #1  Home inspections matter because they have the ability to uncover any secrets of… Read More

Cashing In: The Millennials Control the Housing Market

Depending where you live the market has done two things: It has either recovered from pre-bubble numbers or it hasn’t fully recovered.  Unfortunately, if your market hasn’t recovered, its hard to predict if it ever will. However the fallout from the recession is not the reason prices in your area are possibly still down.  Real Estate is an extremely hard trend to predict, and even… Read More

Why You Should Care About Appreciation

Appreciation plays a pretty significant roll in buying a home.  But instead of just telling that you why you should care, lets understand what appreciation is in the first place. Appreciation –  An increase in the value of an asset over time. The increase can occur for a number of reasons including increased demand or weakening supply, or as a result of changes in inflation or… Read More