How to Buy a Home After Bankruptcy (It’s Not Impossible)

After going bankrupt, buying a home can seem pretty impossible. Bankruptcy can temporarily ruin the dreams you had of buying that home you’ve had your eye on. Going bankrupt will prevent you from being able to borrow money or use a credit card. Because of this, your credit score can be drastically lowered which is not good if you wanted to begin the process of… Read More

How to Stay Safe During a Tornado

A tornado can be one of the most violent, powerful, and dangerous storms. Tornadoes can also be unexpected and appear out of nowhere. Being prepared for a tornado to hit at any time is very important. To prepare yourself for a tornado make sure you know what to do before, during, and after a tornado hits your area.   Before a Tornado There are many… Read More

How to Buy a Home with Bad Credit

As if buying a home wasn’t stressful enough, it can be even more stressful when you have a history of bad credit. Unfortunately, we can’t help what has happened in the past. Many of us go through financial struggles at one point or another. Just because you have bad credit in your past doesn’t mean you can’t make up for it. Making up for bad… Read More

What Millennials are Looking for in a New Home

The housing market is becoming flooded with millennials looking to buy their first home. While many people, no matter their age, probably look for some of the same things in a new home, there are some things that the younger generation specifically look for. If you’re looking to sell your home you can be sure to appeal to the millennials with any of the following… Read More

How to Prepare Your Home for a Winter Storm

Winter is officially here and with it comes the chance of extremely cold weather and winter storms. Winter storms and winter weather can be very dangerous to you and your family if the proper precautions aren’t taken. Winter storms can knock out heat and power, which could leave your family stranded and exposed to the extreme conditions. Here’s how you can prepare your family for… Read More

5 Tasks You Should Do if Your House Floods

Although the flooding season is typically in the spring, it is always good to be prepared for a potential flood in your home. Floods can leave a lot of your household items damaged, destroyed, and unusable. On top of damaging your items, floods can be very dangerous if the proper precautions and procedures are not followed. If your home floods be sure to follow these… Read More

12 Important Safety Tips for Dealing with a House Fire

It’s something that we hope we never have to deal with. Something that we hope never happens to our own family. But it is always a possibility. It is always a possibility that your home could catch on fire, whether it be due to candles left burning or a kitchen accident. No matter what the cause of a fire, it is extremely important to be… Read More

Your Quick Market Update For November 2015 (Infographic)

Photo Credit: Sales numbers for the month of November 2015 came in very similar to last years numbers. Showing signs of a steady market as we head into the colder winter months. Monthly Comparison by the Numbers Month                # Sold         Avg. Price        Avg. Days on Market Nov 2015            118  … Read More

Benefits of Buying a House at the End of the Year

The holiday season might seem like the worst time to buy a house what with the stress of the holiday parties and all of the holiday shopping. With some organization and planning, the purchase of a new home towards the end of the year can be done smoothly. Even with the winter weather and the holiday stress, considering buying a home at the end of… Read More

6 Important Reasons to Get Help From a Realtor

So you’ve decided to sell your home. What’s the next step? Now you have to decide whether you want to sell your home on your own or sell your home using a real estate agent. Some say that selling a home on your own actually saves you money, but there are so many hassles to worry about that the small amount you might save won’t… Read More