Home Staging and Why it is Important

You have probably noticed when looking through real estate properties that the picture quality from property to property can change dramatically. That is usually from some sort of staging which has been done by the homeowner or selling agent. What is staging? Should you consider it for your residential property? Home staging is the act of preparing a private residence for sale in the real… Read More

6 Things to Consider Before Buying a House

Owning your own home is still  a very important mile marker in our lives and most of us grow up with that dream in our DNA.  The home buying process can be very time consuming though and as a buyer you’ll need to make sure that you are absolutely ready. Listed below are 6 very important milestones that will help you determine if you are… Read More

The Benefits of Holding an Open House

If you’ve decided to sell your house, you’ve likely begun the process of cleaning, purging, and staging your home for sale. At some point, you’re probably going to think about whether you want to hold an open house to increase visibility to your home and draw in more prospective buyers. Here are just a few benefits to holding an open house:   1. Still a… Read More

Take Charge When Buying a Home

If you approach the home buying process intelligently and with confidence, you are much more likely to buy a house you’ll be proud to call home. Approaching the task of buying a home can be overwhelming; there’s so much to consider: How much house can I afford? How can I find the best loan? Where will I come up with a down payment, and how… Read More