Don’t Make These 3 Mistakes When Buying Your First Home

If you are reading this blog, then you have either bought a home or are thinking about buying one.  It is no secret that buying a home is a BIG deal especially finanacially.  As a first time home buyer there are 3 mistakes you want to avoid when purchasing your first home. 1.  Not Getting The Right Real Estate Agent When you set out to… Read More

The 5 Most Common First Time Home Buyer Mistakes

If home buying was as easy as ordering a carryout pizza, then I wouldn’t be writing this article. BUT buying a home is nothing like ordering pizza!  In fact the  is lengthy and can be confusing to anyone who has minimal experience.  So far the year 2015 has been the year of the first time home buyer, which has helped recover many local markets.  Unfortunately,… Read More

Top 20 Hottest Real Estate Markets in May 2015

Great news, if you are looking to buy or sell in these markets! Even Columbus, Ohio jumped 3 spots in May from last month to reach the top 20.  The biggest dancers in May were Colorado, California, Texas, and surprisingly Michigan.  When looking at economical data, it appears parts of Michigan are seeing a strong recovery.  This recovery is being led by recents grads or… Read More

Mortgage Points and Should You Pay Them?

When people want to find out how much their mortgages cost, lenders often give them quotes that include loan rates and points. But the goal of this article is not to persuade you one way or another about a particular loan, The goal is to inform you about what mortgage points are and if you should consider paying them. What exactly is a point? A… Read More

Should I Buy a House in the Winter?

Snow is falling, the pantry closest is full of non-perishables foods, and your snuggled into the couch next to the fireplace.  You have pretty much decided not to leave the house until spring shows up, however you are not sure how to explain that your boss on Monday. With all that free time though, you start fantasizing about buying a new house, and we’ve all heard rumors… Read More

How to Choose a Neighborhood for Your Home Search

Narrow your home search by identifying neighborhoods that are right for you. This helps keep your search focused and efficient. Your local REALTOR® can offer neighborhood information to guide you in your search. When evaluating a neighborhood you should investigate local conditions. Depending on your own particular needs and tastes, some of the following factors may be more important considerations than others: quality of schools… Read More

The 30 Year Mortgage Rate

If you have been watching the news recently, then you would know that this week the 30 yr. mortgage rate dipped below 4% for the first time in 2014.  The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage averaged 3.97% last week, down from 4.12% the week prior and 4.28% the same time last year. the average hasn’t been below 4% since the week of June 20, 2013, when it… Read More

6 Things to Consider Before Buying a House

Owning your own home is still  a very important mile marker in our lives and most of us grow up with that dream in our DNA.  The home buying process can be very time consuming though and as a buyer you’ll need to make sure that you are absolutely ready. Listed below are 6 very important milestones that will help you determine if you are… Read More