4 Huge Advantages Why You Should Buy in the Winter

Most people avoid buying a home during the winter months. Who wants to move when temperatures are low and there could be snow on the ground. As if moving wasn’t already hard enough, add in some snow to trudge through and it sounds like a pretty big mess. Although moving during the winter months could be a bit more challenging, it will be well worth… Read More

Local Housing Report: October 2015

October in West Central Ohio saw the housing market continue to strengthen and we had another increase in home prices. Year to year numbers showed great improvement for the month. Check out the chart below to see what the average selling price of home is this year based on the number of bedrooms it has. Price by Bedrooms -2 3 4+ Total Sell Price Volume… Read More

5 Things to Know About Moving

Making the move to a new home can be very stressful and pretty overwhelming for anyone. There’s so much to worry about when thinking about the moving process. Do you hire a mover? Where do you get packing materials? How much will it cost to move? As if moving wasn’t enough stress, the move can be even more chaotic when you’re trying to stick to… Read More

4  Important Things about Living in a Home That is For Sale

You’ve put your home on the market. So now what? Real estate agents are going to be ready to try to sell your house at every chance they get. You’re going to have prospective buyers in and out of your house until it’s sold. Despite a consistent disruption in your home, you have to try to live as normally as possible. As if there weren’t… Read More

5 Huge Questions to Ask Before Adding on to Your Home

So you’re finally serious about adding that addition on to your home? The one that you’ve been talking about for years. The time has finally come, and you want to make it the best experience possible. When beginning the process of adding an addition, it is important to be very thorough with every step. Here are some questions you will want to ask before making… Read More

4 Important Must Read Tips to Getting Pre-Approved

You’re getting ready to make the move, and buy a home for the very first time. This is such an exciting experience, but it can also be a very stressful one! In order to lessen the stress of buying a home, there are some things you should do before even going out to look at homes. Before you find a house you love, you need… Read More

4 Questions to Ask Before You Close on Your Mortgage

Two important things happen when you sign a mortgage. The first is a long term commitment to your new property, the second is the massive amount of paper work you are about to sign.  But lets be honest, even if you read every document, the chances that you understand everything is slim.  So whether you understand everything or perhaps still feel unclear, here are four… Read More

Big Changes to the Integrated Mortgage Disclosures Rule

Things you need to know about the new rules within the Mortgage Disclosures Rule Back in 2010 The Dodd-Frank Act mandated the combination of the Truth in Lending Act (TILA) loan disclosures with Real Estate Estimate and HUD-1 settlement statement disclosures. How Will This Happen: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau an entity created by the Dodd-Frank Act, issued a new TILA final regulation that, among other… Read More

The Bottom Line is You Need a Home Inspection

If you are a smart consumer, which we are guessing you are. Then you have probably heard of getting a home inspection.  Its like going the extra mile in the research phase before making any major home purchase. So why do home inspections matter and are they worth the cost? Reason #1  Home inspections matter because they have the ability to uncover any secrets of… Read More

Cashing In: The Millennials Control the Housing Market

Depending where you live the market has done two things: It has either recovered from pre-bubble numbers or it hasn’t fully recovered.  Unfortunately, if your market hasn’t recovered, its hard to predict if it ever will. However the fallout from the recession is not the reason prices in your area are possibly still down.  Real Estate is an extremely hard trend to predict, and even… Read More