What Should Be Included On Your Home Maintenance Checklist
Author: RSRE   February 10, 2022

Keeping your home happy and healthy shouldn’t be that hard to do. However, many people simply go about their lives without taking the time to take care of their houses. Instead, they wait until something breaks or dies. Emergency repairs can be costly, especially if what was broken is well beyond repair. You can mitigate the risks of damage and issues in your home by following a home maintenance checklist. Checking up on some of the most important features in your home will keep everything running smoothly. Additionally, if you want to sell your house fast in the future, staying on top of your home’s condition is going to help prevent you from having to make last-minute repairs. Not sure of where to start? Here is a template for what should be included in your home maintenance checklist.


Spring is when things start to come back to life. It’s also the time to do some deep cleaning after the cold winter months. Here are a few items to include on your spring maintenance checklist:

  • Do a deep exterior cleaning. Pressure washing is a good place to start
  • Add new grass and clean up the garden with new flowers and plants
  • Clean out gutters
  • Check up on your HVAC units and replace filters
  • If you have a chimney, inspect and clean it. This is true even if you haven’t used your chimney much or at all
  • Make sure smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are working
  • Clean your washer and dryer and make sure there is no lint buildup
  • Do a deep clean of the inside of your home

Check out this helpful article from Big Easy Fences on “Eco-Friendly Practices For Wood Fence Maintenance” and how it may benefit your home’s value.


In many parts of the country, like the south, summer can be hot, humid, and rainy. Preparing your house for summer conditions can prevent things like flooding from happening. Even if you live in an area that is dryer, it’s important to have a checklist to follow for when things begin to heat up.

  • Prepare your lawn and garden for hotter, sunnier conditions. Some plants don’t fare well with too much heat and sunshine, and adding some shade can protect them
  • Put out summer furniture, including umbrellas and shades 
  • Make sure the swimming pool is clean, the water is treated, and the filters are running properly
  • Add blinds and shades to the home to keep the interior cool
  • Replace air filters and make sure your air conditioner is running properly


Now that things are beginning to cool down, you can get your home ready for winter. If you plan on selling in the winter, top real estate agents in Columbus recommend using autumn as the time to get your house ready to put on the market. Fall usually has cooler and more moderate weather and is the perfect time to complete these items:

  • Trim trees and branches
  • Make sure roof is intact and free of damage
  • Rake leaves up
  • Put away any summer furniture
  • Add caulking to windows and doors to keep your home insulated
  • Service your heater and ducts if necessary 


If you took care of the fall checklist items, then winter is going to be the time to relax and stay cozy. However, there are a few things you should take care of during the cold months:

  • Make sure you have a shovel or snowblower on hand for snowstorms
  • Have a plan to mitigate frozen and busted pipes
  • Bring out warmer blankets and clothes from storage
  • Have firewood for the fireplace available

By following a template for a home maintenance checklist, you will be able to keep on top of any items that are necessary for a safe and comfortable house. Preventing future problems and damage will save you money and keep you feeling stress-free. Follow the template above and make adjustments based on your home’s needs!